How to register your group

We use this information ONLY to send out our secure codes. This ensures only parents & guardians have access to the photos.

  • Enter the first and last name of each member into the ‘First Name’ & ‘Last Name’ fields.
  • Enter the email and/or mobile of parents & guardians into the ‘Parent’s Mobile’ & ‘Parent’s Email’ fields.
  • Any staff members should also be entered, with their own contact details entered into the ‘Parent’s Mobile’ & ‘Parent’s Email’ fields.
  • Lastly, all staff must be marked as staff in the ‘Role’ field.
  • Be sure to press save at the bottom when done. This will save anything you’ve entered so you can come back and finish off later.

Registering everyone before the shoot minimises the amount of time needed with each member on the day.

If you still have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact details below.